November 26, 2011

Back to the Basics

Today's advice comes in the form of a five-letter word: SLEEP!

Having been at family's for the last four days, I realize that my ability to manage my negative emotions/thoughts is directly related to my energy level. Like a recovering alcoholic, I know my limits with regards to how much sleep I need to be able to function semi-rationally. However, I decided just one late night wouldn't hurt, and I stayed up two hours past my normal bedtime.

The next day, I was cranky and negative and couldn't figure out why I was feeling so annoyed at everything and everyone. "Do I need medication, to see a counselor, to just go home and get away from everyone?" I wondered.

That night, I went to bed at an earlier hour and the next morning woke up relatively calm and kind.  As negative thoughts and emotions came throughout the day, I was better able to counter them with more rational thoughts, thus keeping myself above-water emotionally.

For those of us who struggle with managing negative thoughts and emotions, we can make it harder on ourselves to counter these joy-blockers when we are physically exhausted. Invest in yourself by going to bed at an earlier hour and getting enough sleep. Start TONIGHT!

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