July 12, 2012

Archery & Self-Respect

My son and I signed up for archery lessons together this summer, and when he wasn't able to go to lessons today, I unconsciously decided not to go either since signing up had mostly been for him. I instead started doing a bunch of chores, then went to rock my toddler to sleep for a nap. It was then, unshowered and already tired, I realized what I had done: I had made myself an appendage of my son, instead of treating myself like an individual. The thing is...I actually really like archery and I'm not too bad at it either. After the first lesson, I had called my hubby and told him excitedly how much fun I had had. He told me he later he noticed I was happier that day than usual and said I should try to do something every day I enjoy. After his observation, I noticed too I felt differently after each lesson: I was more positive, excited, enthusiastic about life... As I reflected on all this, I decided I needed to respect myself the way I respected my son-enough to get him to lessons! So I threw on makeup, jumped in the Tahoe, and raced to Fort Tuthill in time to practice shooting 3D targets (animals). I "killed" a badger my first time around. It was a good feeling ;) I'm glad I went too because I found out next week we get to go on the 3D course the club uses. Duncan's excited too. Either way, son or not, I won't miss it. I just have to keep reminding myself every day that I matter too.

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